Write to live, live to write.

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Friday, March 27, 2009

Don't you just hate siblings?

I don't know about you, but I sure do. The only problem is I can't remember what made me so infuriated in the first place that I'm grousing about my little brother.
First thing - he thinks he knows everything. Honestly. I'll use this as an example. Say that I say "The moon is square". He'll say, "Yeah, I knew that. The moon is square."
You think that's bad? Wait for it. Then my mom'll say something like "No, the moon is round". And then he, not wanting to admit that he's wrong, will say "NO! YOU'RE WRONG! I'M RIGHT! THE MOON IS SQUARE! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THAT?"
You see what I mean? Terribly annoying.
Alright. Now that I'm done talking about how annoying my brother is I shall talk about something else. Problem is I'm not sure what else there is to talk about.
Went to the library today. Got an earworm of "Barack Obama, can we do it? Barack Obama, yes we can!" it's sung to the tune of Bob the Builder in case you haven't realised.
And then we're drawing whacky soldiers and little cartoon characters all over Jason's book, which includes a particularly entertaining drawing of Roe screaming over "sizzuhs". (Inside joke. Don't bother.)
Merry Christmas.

~Today in History~
1941: Battle of Cape Matapan - in the Mediterranean Sea, British Admiral Andrew Browne Cunningham leads the Royal Navy in the destruction of three major Italian heavy cruisers and two destroyers.

~Quote of the Day~
Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning.
-Erwin Rommel.

>>Forgotten by23:20

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy birthday to you
You know who's birthday it was two days ago? Yes, it' s some guy from the 1940s whom you probably never heard of. He was the commander of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment (not to be mixed up with the 506th PIR, which is in the 101st Airborne) during the Sicily operation and became the commander of the 82nd Airborne Division afterwards. You're probably really bamboozled by the Regiments and Divisions and all right now so I'll just tell you who he is. His nickname was the Jumping General.
His name was James M. Gavin, born James Nally Ryan.

Now, do you see these three people on my left? One of them is the real James Gavin. The other one is the Gavin in the Longest Day and the third is the Gavin in a Bridge Too Far. You want to take a stab at guessing who's who or just let me tell you?
From left to write, sorry, right, they are A Bridge Too Far's Gavin (Ryan O'Neal), the Longest Day's Gavin (Robert Ryan) and the real one.
You realize both the actors' names are really similar. And what was Gavin's original name? That's right. Ryan.
And the man who wrote the books The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far. What was his name?
Cornelius Ryan.

~Today in History~
1944: 76 prisoners begin breaking out of Stalag Luft III in an event later dramatized by the movie "The Great Escape".

~Quote of the Day~
Show me a man who will jump out of an airplane and I'll show you a man who will fight.
-James Gavin. But of course that man will be slightly crazy too. Only crazy people volunteer to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

>>Forgotten by03:33

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Thursday, March 19, 2009

Right. My title bar's still wonky so I won't bother with those sort of things from now on.

Jaw dropping revelations

Now, yesterday I was watching a WWII movie. Guns of Naverone. Good piece about seven odd men blowing up big guns that can blow ships out of the sea sort of thing. Now, in the first part of the movie there was a part where Gregory Peck (the hero) interviews this squadron who lost eighteen men trying to blow up the guns. And we've watched it twice and both times I find that the squadron leader's lines are probably the funniest in the entire movie.
Things like:
Squadron Leader Howard Barnsby: I'll be specific! As you can plainly see, it was ruddy awful. But we'd love to go back. Wouldn't we, boys?
[His boys give several loud cheers]
Squadron Leader Howard Barnsby: Just as soon as we can! BUT - we've got one condition. We want the joker who thought this one up to come with us. And when we get there, we're gonna shove him out at ten thousand feet - without a parachute.
Squadron Leader Howard Barnsby: BAD? It can't be done, not from the air, anyway!
Commodore Jensen: You're quite sure of that, Squadron Leader? This is important.
Squadron Leader Howard Barnsby: So's my life! To me, anyway.
And my all time favourite: Squadron Leader Howard Barnsby: First, you've got that bloody old fortress on top of that bloody cliff. Then you've got the bloody cliff overhang. You can't even see the bloody cave, let alone the bloody guns. And anyway, we haven't got a bloody bomb big enough to smash that bloody rock. And that's the bloody truth, sir.
That's eight 'bloodies' by the way. Nine if you include the one he said earlier.
Guess who this hilariously funny Squadron Leader is?
The actor's name is Richard Harris. Ring a bell?
Maybe this picture will help -

YESSS! That's right, he's Dumbledore! Of the first and second movies! Until he died, anyway, in 2002. Sad. I prefer him to the new one. But anyway. Know what he looked like in the movie?
You sure you want to know?

That's him, to my left, in Nineteen sixty bloody one, as I'm sure he'd like me to say.
Drastic difference? You bet. My own dad who's great at recognizing faces couldn't even place where he'd seen him when the credits rolled and "Richard Harris" came out.
Interesting. All very bloody interesting.
Oh, and by the way I got a LAPTOP! I'm not exactly sure what model it is yet. Not that I really give a bloody damn. Because what matters is that it's a laptop and it's mine.

~Today in History~
1944: The Nazi Forces occupy Hungary.

~Quote of the Day~
Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning.
-Erwin Rommel. Always remember that. What's the point of fighting if there's nothing in it for you?

>>Forgotten by03:52

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Friday, March 13, 2009

What the hell happened to my title box?
It has totally disappeared. Does that mean I'm not gonna be able to have a title to my posts anymore? Because if it does, then that sucks.
On Thursday we had a major disaster. It was the farewell of some 60 odd year old teacher who's been with St. Nicks for 39 years or something. Fun. Whatever. Singing songs (they sang more than words, which I don't expect any of you to know 'cause it's an old song, but it's an OLD song!) dancing, whatever. We were s'posed to cover it. Pubs. Bernice, Nicole, Jia Yi, Gen and I were s'posed to take pictures of the event. And what happened?
12.50: Got released from class. Picked up Jia Yi and went to the AVA room to get the camera.
12.55: Went to the hall to get the key to open the locker where the camera was, but the teacher was like "i have no time to help you" so we rushed off to the seniors to get the keys.
13.00: Went back to the hall with the camera but unfortunately the camera's battery was dead. So we had to use Bernice's and Jia Yi's cameras, but then Bernice's went out halfway as well.
And then we met Mrs. Tian who thought I was in charge of charging the camera simply because the (useless) camera was hanging around my neck. So we got our heads chewed off and I don't think that's the end of this.
School ended 50 minutes late because of assembly. Doesn't make a difference for me, but CCA started at 4. I almost broke my Geo challenge high score! I was around 500 points shy. not fair.
For CCA we have to make a blog. Interesting. If anyone's interested in visiting it's www.101airbornealltheway.blogspot.com. Very WWII themed. Don't tag, whatever you do. My mom's seen the url, so I'm gonna make it a happy blog and post all the good news on it, while I rant and rave to you on this blog instead.

~Today in History~
1943: The Kraków Ghetto is 'liquidated'.

~Quote of the Day~
The national rifle association says that guns don’t kill, people do. But I think the gun helps. Just standing there, going ‘bang!’ – that’s not going to kill too many people.
-Eddie Izzard. BANG! Did I kill you?

>>Forgotten by23:47

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Friday, March 6, 2009

Well, I didn't do too badly as I thought I would. I got second in class for English (NOOOOOO) with an 80% A1, my Maths came in 4th (WHACKS HEAD ON TABLE) with a friggin 88%. Got a stupid, stupid, STUPID B3 for Lit and probably an A2 for History. But the result I'm happiest with is my Chinese, 'cause I passed.
There's really nothing much for me to say now. It's been a really harrowing week because we had wen shi on friday and I only started studying on thursday. Heck, as long as I pass I'll be shocked.
And now there's science, and I don't understand a single thing about Acids, Bases and Salts, except Acids is something that produces H ions.
I'm not gonna be doing my today in history and quote of the day today because I'm too depressed to do anything.

>>Forgotten by23:01

Random Profile.

The Lone Ranger

02 12 1995
Right. Let's see. I like WWII, Band of Brothers, and anything to do with either of them. And Writing.

Random presents.

-Any WWII Book (that I don't already have)
-The movie Paper Moon
-The Band of Brothers soundtrack
-One hundred dollars

Random dreams.

-Top Singapore for O Levels/A Levels
-Get into VJC
-Get a story published
-Visit all the places I want to visit before I die
-Make a million dollars in five years
-Amass a huge quantity of WWII relics
-Get as many books as possible
-Watch all WWII movies

Random Quotes.

-No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
-Two kinds of people are staying on this beach, the dead and those who are gonna die. Now lets get the hell outta here.
-Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”
-We are not retreating -- we are advancing in another direction.
-You can't say civilization isn't advancing; in every war they kill you in a new way.
-War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
-Show me a man who will jump out of an airplane, and I'll show you a man who'll fight.
-Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.
-If you are going through hell...keep going.
-Better to fight for something than live for nothing.
-In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine.
-Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are in finishing it.

Random Map.

Random Top Tens.

Top ten movies:
-Band of Brothers
-Saving Private Ryan
-A Bridge Too Far
-The Longest Day
-Saints and Soldiers
-The Great Escape
-Flags of our Fathers
-Kelly's Heroes
-The Battle of the Bulge
Top ten Books:
-Band of Brothers
-Citizen Soldiers
-Beyond Band of Brothers
-Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends
-A Bridge Too Far
-The Longest Day
-The Longest Winter
-Flags of Our Fathers
-Letters from Iwo Jima

Random people.

Eugene Lim
Kai Yin
Jing Yi(rather dead)
Melody Seet
Rachel cough-pervert-cough Tan
Amelia (Sec 1D 09)
One Charity 08
Two Faith 09
Solo Magazine
My Stories
The Infocomm blog
The truth about lies (story)
Smile (story)

Random Archives.

December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
February 2010
May 2010

Random Credits.


It's a (ahem) free country.

Random Music.

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