Write to live, live to write.

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Saturday, February 28, 2009

Don't get me wrong - nothing's gone wrong, and no, you haven't missed anything in the newspapers. Neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton have been assassinated (Not yet, anyway). It's just that last night I happened to have a really strange dream. I know I've had lots of weird dreams before, but I think this one takes the cake.

So, it starts out with a normal school day, and for some reason or other Bill and Hillary are about to visit our school. Yay. But then we go for recess and bang, bang, loud shots easily identifiable as gunshots, although no one but me can guess.
We rush back to class to find lots of policemen and CID people standing around looking very serious. Somehow we manage to get in - I don't know how but we do. And then someone starts to scream. I don't know who did but it's definitely not me. Anyway we take our seats and wait for our teacher. Everyone but me. Because there's a nice pool of red blood at my seat.
We seek out the police and they tell us that Hillary has been shot (Horror of horrors!) and is in a coma, and Bill has been wounded and is missing forty two fingers. (I'm not sure why he had more than forty two fingers in the first place, but anyway.)
Then someone knocks on the door. Two policemen, carrying something that looks like a body bag. Now, I've never seen a dead body before and hopefully I'll never see one, so I couldn't imagine what the body looks like except that its face was all blue and stiff. And it wasn't Hillary, just so you know.
And now a number of famous celebs come into the room and start lining the walkway. Don't ask me why. I moved my seat to the middle of the walkway 'cause if I keep on sitting at my place, I'll keep on staring at the blood. But the table has blood on it too anyway.
Then the two cops who brought in the body, called Harrelson and Lysandra (don't ask me why) go to this row of houses. 41a, 41b, 41c. I don't know why they go there, but somehow the murder scene shifts from 2 Faith to number 41c.
In 41a lives a nervous looking man (if you've watched the Ocean's series, he reminds me of Livingston) and he can't stop stammering. Then he piles necklace upon necklace on Lysandra, all engraved with her name. Says something about her great grandmother. Don't know where that came from. Then he closes the door.
The next house is full of the Clintons' relatives, although somehow they kinda turned into Kennedys. (You know, JFK, those Kennedys.) There're a lot of them - the Kennedys have always been a pretty big family. Around twenty eight in one generation. Harrelson makes some snide remark about the latest generation only having eight.
They ask one of the sisters about the incident. She says she was up at night last night, and saw the assault on the balcony of 41c. Gunshots, followed by two elephants (Why elephants? I don't bloody know, it's just a bloody dream) and two limp bodies. She screamed but didn't go and check it out. Bloody idiot, honestly.
Then suddenly Harrelson and Lysandra are gone, and Frank and Joe Hardy arrive (I think Jason's been reading too many Hardy boys books and left them lying around). They do some snooping around and find this group of men in black (no pun intended. They aren't dealing with aliens here, after all) carrying some sort of body covered in sand to a spot where two other sand covered body like things are already resting in mid air, supported by something or other. (Very specific, I feel like I know exactly what the bodies look like!)
So Frank and Joe gather the Kennedy gang, but then the MIB spot them and Joe and one of the young Kennedys get caught. Yay Frank, who volunteers to take Joe's place. Yay one of the older Kennedys, who volunteers to take the younger one's place.
And...the dream kinda ends there. I don't know what happened to Frank, or Joe, or the two elephants, or whether Bill ever got his forty two fingers back, or whether Hillary woke up from her coma. Sad, huh? I'd give anything to find out. Or maybe it'd be better not to know.

~Today in History~
1943: The Battle of Bismarck Sea Begins.

~Quote of the Day~
We have to go easy on the 30000 Jews who work in the armaments production; we need them-who would have thought this could ever become possible?
-Josef Goebbels. You want us to reply to that, Josef?

>>Forgotten by23:39

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Monday, February 23, 2009

Well, today is the 64th anniversary of the famous flag raising incident on Mt. Suribachi, on the small little island of Iwo Jima that took the US Marines thirty six days to conquer.
You know, that famous little incident on the poster of Flags of our Fathers, for those of you who have watched the movie.
Six flagraisers in total. John Bradley, Rene Gangon, Ira Hayes, Franklin Sousley, Harlon Block, Michael Strank. The first three made it. The others did not. Rene and Ira drank themselves to death around twenty years afterwards.
Poor chaps.

Conducted our science experiment today. At least it wasn't a bloody failure like we expected it to be. Took a whole one and a half hours to complete, unfortunately. What with blocking out the light from the torch, adjusting the metal, redoing the entire thing because of a change in set up...still we ended at three thirty. And we got the job done. Amazing. I'm now writing the report.
Le Yan went made because the copper sheet cost a whopping fourteen dollars. She was treating it like her baby or something. "My precious..."I forgot which movie that line came from. Lord of the Rings? Don't know. Never watched that movie. Not my type.
And for your information, Joy, a blog that hasn't been touched for a week is not a dead blog. You want an example of a dead blog? Go look at our class blog. (Hint hint.)

~Today in History~
1945: During the Battle of Iwo Jima, a group of United States Marines and a commonly forgotten U.S. Navy Corpsman reach the top of Mount Suribachi on the island and are photographed raising the American flag. The photo would later win a Pulitzer Prize and become the model for the national USMC War Memorial.

~Quote of the Day~
This means a Marine Corps for another five hundred years.
-James Forrestal, some hotshot in the Navy, to Holland Smith, commander of the US Marine troops on the Island. Or something like that. I'm sorry, my pacific war history isn't very good.

>>Forgotten by03:50

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Seriously, what do I have to do to pull my grades up? Study? Scratch that, I can't study. Because nothing gets into my head. I'm supposed to be studying ting xie now but I can't get it. The moment I stop writing that word I forget it all over again.
Who gives a damn about writing chinese words you'll forget five minutes afterwords anyway?
I am practically drowning in homework. First I had to polish up a geog poster, then search for incentives and make up my own, then write the write up (Which I have no idea what I'm supposed to be writing about) then study ting xie and read my history textbook which I haven't even touched yet, and I also need to study chinese for the common test this week, and science 'cause I'm lagging behind and haven't a notion what the hell the teach is going on about acids and salts and some other damn thing.
And my grades are flops. 16/20 for Geog. 15/22 for History. ARGH. I thought History was supposed to be one of my better subjects! I am never going to be able to tell my parents this.
And I hate Chinese remedial. Not only does it take up a precious 1 hour when I could be slacking in the computer lab beating Gen at Geo Challenge, it is dead BORING. I kept looking out of the window because the girls passing were even more interesting than the powerpoint. And then she started picking on me because I was so disinterested.
And then we've got to start on the science project. The whole thing's a failure because it's all my fault, I argued my case too convincingly and convinced them to pick a totally undoable subject that involves shiny magpie stuff and parabolic surfaces.
And then there's this reader digest thing that I didn't know about. On one of the days where I was stuck at home with my bleeding toes (they've started bleeding again, by the way, and the bottom of the nail's cracking up slightly) the teach asked if anyone subscribed to reader's digest. Now I do, but I couldn't very well tell her could I? So she marked me as "NO". So now I've got a copy of readers digest and may be forced to pay thirty bucks just because I wasn't in school.
You see? I'm so bloody angry that I can't even type at my usual speed and I'm making more typos than I have ever made in my entire life. I even made a grammatical error in Today in History today. Yuck.

~Today In History~
1943: U.S. Navy Bombards Japs at Attu in the Aleutians.

~Quote of the Day~
The war has to be over, there is nothing left to bomb.
-Random Allied Pilot flying over Germany. Poor chap. He must be hungering for German blood.

>>Forgotten by01:47

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Friday, February 13, 2009

My HPPS junior just asked me "You know about the bombing of Dresden?"
I replied, "Of course. I am THE original WWII buff."
Of course I know about Dresden! How could any WWII fan not know about the infamous bombing? RAF planes at night, USAF planes in the day. Happy Valentines Day, Dresden. Fire storms, big bombs, flares, massive bonfires. 1400 RAF planes flew over Dresden that night. Only 6 didn't make it back. The Luftwaffe was grounded. Planes machine gunning children's choirs. It was a carnival day, see. No one knows how many died - too many to count. Estimates range from 100000 to 135000. Amazing, huh?
I hate my grades. My Lit grades are inexcusable. My Maths sucks (I lost a chance at full marks!), my science graded sucks, my history sucks, even my English is not going well.
Don't you just hate school?
We're going to run around the track screaming like idiots this evening. My mom's forcing me to go. I'll probably die of exhaustion and a heart attack before we're done. The last time I ran (not including my first morning jog this year) was the last morning jog last year. Amazing, huh?
My geo challenge is not improving. I keep getting around 36000-38000 which is not a good score when you're aiming to beat 42000. Plus my com lags but the time doesn't stop ticking, which sucks. And I can't play during Infocomm because I need to install Adobe flash, which requires administrative thingummies, which I don't have. Besides, I'll have to waste my lunch period at Chinese remedial every tuesday so I won't have time to find another computer and play on that.

~Today in History~
1945: Dresden bombed.

~Quote of the Day~
The first waves of a large enemy bomber formation have changed course and are now approaching the city boundaries. There is going to be an attack. The population is instructed to proceed at once to the basements and cellars. The police have instructions to arrest all those who remain in the open.
-The air raid warning over Dresden way after the pathfinder planes came. Talk about Delayed Action. And besides, if the police arrest someone in the open and the next second get blown to bits, that isn't going to help a lot, is it?

>>Forgotten by20:09

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Friday, February 6, 2009

If I told everyone I hated Wednesday, I hate today more.
Bloody hell. First period - Common Test. I estimate I lost 15 out of 35 marks already, so there goes my A1 for maths. Bloody awful.
Next period - Chinese. Got ting xie back. 73/100. Not bad for a person who lost her ting xie list two days before and studied only on that day, I guess. But it's bloody embarrassing when the rest of the class got above 90.
Then Maths and I kinda fell asleep during standard form. Teacher gave us a lot of homework but I left in school so I guess I'll be rekindling my don't-do-maths-homework attitude again.
Recess was next and I kinda stood around and did nothing (ate nothing, either) till eleven then we went back to class and drew Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill (I made a mistake and added hair) all over the board. You'll be glad to know that Hitler died, anyway. He choked on pie or something like that. Or maybe he just got erased.
Then Literature, the worst period ever. I got my worst ever score when our tests got returned. Obviously not going to tell you but it sucks. Like a C5 or something. Bleh.
Then History. Normally History would have been fun. Relatively. But not today. Today we had another test. Open book, but there was source based. Nobody bloody told me there would be source based! I positively died then. So there's twelve marks gone. (By the way there was an error in the test paper. It's supposed to be upon twenty but when you add up the marks at the end of each question you kinda get twenty two. I guess maths isn't our history teacher's forte either.)

I hate today (more than Wednesday).

~Today in History~
1941: Hitler appoints Gen. Erwin Rommel to take command over German forces in Libya!

~Quote of the Day~
On your way! Attacks don't succeed by standing still!
-Erwin Rommel. Yeah, Rommel, I'm sure we've figured that out by now.

>>Forgotten by04:22

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I hate chemistry.
But I think you've probably realized that by now.
Honestly, you can take your covalent and ionic bondings and magnesium nitride and God knows what else and shove it down your throat. Who gives a damn about these things anyway? The only use that Chemistry is going to be if you're going to be a chemist next time and blow yourself up, and I think that's bloody unlikely, especially if they're drilling us to be gentle ladies and whatever crap that they're spewing out now.
Speaking of spewing crap, we had another stupid talk on integrity again. The teacher rambled on and on and on and on and on and on and we had a jolly good nap and a jolly good time cursing and making fun of her. Bloody hell, who comes up with these things?
Speaking of things, we had our geog test today. Don't ask me how Joy managed to write three sides of foolscap in half an hour. I only managed one and a half. (On second thoughts, my writing's really tiny...) I broke my pen - the nib came out and everything - halfway through, used a second pen but that one ran out of ink. The third one's ink went through the foolscap. Only the fourth one was satisfactory. And my handwriting is illegible so they probably won't be able to decipher it and I'll fail anyway.
Speaking of failures, I'm sure I'll fail my English compre. Honestly, that one was a nightmare. And I'm sure I'll fail literature because I haven't done my poetry reflection yet, because I don't even know the poems, because I'm locked out of edulearn because either I got my password wrong or someone or something hacked into my account and switched the password, because as far as I know a few days ago I could still log in with the old one.

I hate today.

~Today in History~
1945: U.S. I Corps take San Jose.

~Quote of the Day~
If you see a white plane, it's American, if you see a black plane it's RAF. If you see no plane at all it's the Luftwaffe.
- Funny. At least some German soldier still keeps his morale up with self-criticising jokes like this. Unlike me.

>>Forgotten by00:57

Random Profile.

The Lone Ranger

02 12 1995
Right. Let's see. I like WWII, Band of Brothers, and anything to do with either of them. And Writing.

Random presents.

-Any WWII Book (that I don't already have)
-The movie Paper Moon
-The Band of Brothers soundtrack
-One hundred dollars

Random dreams.

-Top Singapore for O Levels/A Levels
-Get into VJC
-Get a story published
-Visit all the places I want to visit before I die
-Make a million dollars in five years
-Amass a huge quantity of WWII relics
-Get as many books as possible
-Watch all WWII movies

Random Quotes.

-No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
-Two kinds of people are staying on this beach, the dead and those who are gonna die. Now lets get the hell outta here.
-Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”
-We are not retreating -- we are advancing in another direction.
-You can't say civilization isn't advancing; in every war they kill you in a new way.
-War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
-Show me a man who will jump out of an airplane, and I'll show you a man who'll fight.
-Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.
-If you are going through hell...keep going.
-Better to fight for something than live for nothing.
-In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine.
-Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are in finishing it.

Random Map.

Random Top Tens.

Top ten movies:
-Band of Brothers
-Saving Private Ryan
-A Bridge Too Far
-The Longest Day
-Saints and Soldiers
-The Great Escape
-Flags of our Fathers
-Kelly's Heroes
-The Battle of the Bulge
Top ten Books:
-Band of Brothers
-Citizen Soldiers
-Beyond Band of Brothers
-Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends
-A Bridge Too Far
-The Longest Day
-The Longest Winter
-Flags of Our Fathers
-Letters from Iwo Jima

Random people.

Eugene Lim
Kai Yin
Jing Yi(rather dead)
Melody Seet
Rachel cough-pervert-cough Tan
Amelia (Sec 1D 09)
One Charity 08
Two Faith 09
Solo Magazine
My Stories
The Infocomm blog
The truth about lies (story)
Smile (story)

Random Archives.

December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
February 2010
May 2010

Random Credits.


It's a (ahem) free country.

Random Music.

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