Write to live, live to write.

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Thursday, October 30, 2008

I completed the Impossible Quiz just a couple of hours ago.
Problem is somebody already beat me to it.

By the way,
When it's Halloween don't ever try to spook any normal girl (especially those from St. Nicholas) out.
Unless you brought earplugs.
See, It has been very obvious to everyone who comes across St. Nicholas girls that they love to scream. And when I say scream, I mean SCREAAMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sort of scream. Ear piercing stuff that just might burst your eardrums.
That's why I've gone half deaf ever since stepping into this school. From ants to lizards to cockroach exoskeletons to happy events, they've always found a reason to scream like hell.
And so, this halloween, I'm not planning on going anywhere near 'em.

Oh, and by the way, happy halloween. Today is halloween, right? I thought that I may have gotten it wrong.
Yesterday we finally, finally finished our stupid stop motion. No more CCA! Except for the "compulsory" one on Thursday. So if you think about it, we only got Tuesday off. Which is not much of a "no more CCA" holiday. Which is sad.

Congratulate me, I've just started on another story I'm never gonna finish. So far I'm juggling about 4 stories. Sure, I finish short stories, but these are long. Like, 23 pages long kind of thing.

And one more thing: MY BRAIN IS NOT FOR SALE. So unless you can pay me about £9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 or so, or you can get me a high flying job in which I don't have to do anything but still get paid a modest salary of about a million a year, and throw in a nice big pension as well, you can't have it.
Besides, a lot more people have bigger, smarter brains than me. Why not try Einstein's? I think part of his brain is still being displayed somewhere.

~Today in History~
1941: The destroyer USS Reuben James is torpedoed by a German U-Boat near Iceland, killing more than 100 United States Navy sailors. It is the first U.S. Navy vessel sunk by enemy action in WWII.
(Special mention)
1941: Battle of Britian Ends.

~Quote of the Day~
When I warned [the French] that Britain would fight on alone, whatever they did, their Generals told their Prime Minister and his divided cabinet: 'In three weeks, England will have her neck wrung like a chicken. Some chicken....Some neck!

- Winston Churchill, speaking about the courageous fight England put up. Just to coincide with the ending of the Battle of Britain.

>>Forgotten by20:19

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You know for infocomm, we've always been playing around when it's the day we have the course.
So I think stop motion is the instructor's notion of taking revenge.
Today we had to go back for CCA (First time ever, going back for CCA in the holidays) and it was boring. I forgot to bring my book, but I thought we'd be able to use the computer, so it was fine.
Boy was I wrong.
First and foremost: they changed the computers in lab 3. They're now sleeker and faster, but unfortunately there's neither icy tower nor internet connection.
And then stupid teacher came and called us to the next room where we were supposed to do stop motion (Which is the "art" of taking pictures. Take a photo, move the characters a bit, take the next one, etc.)
At first there were only two people from our group there, then there were three. But the other two never showed up.
I don't know what happened to Joey, but Gen forgot there was CCA, overslept till 10 30 (CCA started at 10 00 and ended at 12 00) and decided by the time she got there she'd be real late anyway so she skipped it.
I started using the computer. But stupid teacher saw me and told me to shut it down.
I should've brought my book.
It's bloody unfair, we didn't even have a tripod, had to use a chair and a box as a makeshift one. We finished taking all the damn photos but stupid teacher made us REDO it because some of the pictures were blurry.
I mean, if we don't have a tripod of COURSE you expect some photos to be blurry! C'mon, give us a break already!
3 words:

~Today in History~
1940: Italy invades Greece through Albania, marking Greece's entry into World War II.

~Quote of the Day~
War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
-Bertrand Russell. And in a kind of roundabout way, he's right.

>>Forgotten by03:53

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Friday, October 24, 2008

Well, AIG number 1 would be, uh, The Impossible Quiz, of course. It's insane, it's addictive, and it's a game, so it fits the criteria. It's also true to it's name - it's impossible. Well, almost. For me and a couple of others, anyway; I've only gotten to question 108, which is quite a bit already.
Second would be 50 States game. I've been playing it for a week or so and I'm glad to say I've gotten full marks in 127 seconds. Which is really difficult since they don't give you border lines and if you're about 50 odd miles off [not a lot on the map] you don't get it right.
But that's kinda missing the point.

Yesterday was the last day of school (Not including our CCA and the 14th of November). No teary farewells, no big hugs (kind of), no mushy stuff - thank God.
But I supposed we all have to say something like "1 C was great, I'll miss all of you" blah blah blah. Yeah, that sort of thing. Ok, anyway, one Charity was one of the best classes, and I hope that most of us will still be (stuck) in the same class next year. Happy? Can I stop now?

~Today In History~
1944: The Japanese aircraft carrier Zuikaku, and the battleship Musashi are sunk in the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

~Quote of the Day~
All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time.
- Lewis Puller, after being surrounded by 8 enemy divisions. I wonder if that's bravery or just plain idiocy?

>>Forgotten by03:28

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Well, on tuesday we had our Sports for Life program thingummy. In the first half of the morning we had archery (Yes, archery! Real arrows, not the suction cup tipped ones! Yeah, we were so excited! Wow, you must be really envious, aren't you?) and after that we had self defence.

Firstly, archery was overrated. I mean, we only got to shoot three arrows at a miserable target that was a few feet away. And I only got the blue part of the target. God knows where the other two went.

But at least our class had at least eight expert archers so we won the "competition" since we shot all the four balloons first. With only ten arrows. (Not to be ungrateful or anything but it figures, a rare competition we win and we don't get anything.) They gave all of us (including the other classes) these pencil-arrows that from afar looked so much like arrows I thought they were giving out small little darts. At least I got the only blue one.

And then we had self defence, which to me was something of a joke. I mean, all they thought us was common sense, stand with your feet apart, bring your hands up just like you're going to box but open them so that it looks like you want to surrender, and that sort of thing. Pretty boring, if you ask me.

For Infocomm we drew up a banner that "made no sense", played hangman and watched half of "Cars". And that was the fantastic Tuesday. Tomorrow we'll be getting our PPRs back. I hope I still maintained my Over 70% record and got into stretch class, or there goes my "good results" present.

~Today in History~
1944: The city of Aachen falls to American forces after three weeks of fighting, making it the first German city to fall to the Allies.

~Quote of the Day~
"All of the real heroes are not storybook combat fighters, either. Every single man in this Army plays a vital role. Don't ever let up. Don't ever think that your job is unimportant. Every man has a job to do and he must do it. Every man is a vital link in the great chain."

- One of my favourite speech makers, Georgie Patton. Though this time it's not that funny, but still.

>>Forgotten by20:06

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Friday, October 17, 2008

We are not amused.
On Friday, yesterday, for the first half of the day, there was this sec 1 drama presentation thing on a picture based on WWII. (Ok, so it's just rationing, but still...)
Sec 1 Purity, Diligence and one other class whom I forgot presented their plays. The first class's play, the "Portraits of War" stuff, wasn't too bad, and I don't think I could pick out any historical errors...(although you don't use those sort of automatic handguns that look too futuristic for their own good during WWII).
Oh, yeah, there was this good one where she forgot her lines. "In early August 1945, two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima..." think think think, can't remember "nagasaki"...continues, "In Japan".
TWO atomic bombs dropped on HIROSHIMA alone?!

The second one, Diligence I think, involved an Oprah show and lots of drama. The first couple, "Brandon Pitt" and "Melody Lohan", were so lovey dovey that they were really really overdoing it. And there were quite a few BIG problems.
For instance, (this one I may have gotten mixed up with Diligence's one, I can't remember anything anymore) during one scene the husband and wife are relaxing in their house during the war (about 1939-1940 maybe) and the TV sits in front of them. They switch it on or something and the news reporter starts saying, "THE GERMANS ARE MARCHING ONTO LONDON" or something like that.
Number one: TV service was cut off during the war, from 1939 all the way to 1946. So they can't even watch TV.
Number two: The Germans never reached London. Hell, they never touched any part of England except for some grotty little islands off its coast. (Of course it may've been "Poland" and I might've heard wrongly, but anyway...)
And then there was the ultimate logical loophole.
After that TV incident the husband goes off to fight in Africa or something. The wife becomes a nurse in England, helping the victims of the Blitz. And one day another nurse comes in and tells her "there's a very fatal injury in ward 43" or something like that.
No. 1: NO WARDS.
No. 2: Fatal's already like, definitely going to die, what's the point of saying "very fatal"?
So she goes to ward 43 and see's it's her husband, with his war wounds and all and he died.
No. 3: I thought he was fighting in AFRICA?
(Now, if you were to argue that he was evacuated, it wouldn't work. 'Cause they wouldn't have evacuated him if he had a "very fatal" injury - he'd just die in Africa.)

The last one was the one with a few logical errors.
Then, in another scene, a grandmother with her kid opens the door to her past and the boy's like "There was a war in Singapore?"
He must've been supposedly at least ten years old...How can ten year olds not know there was a war in Singapore?! (And just for the record, the British do NOT wear brownie scarves around their necks.)

And then we had the Malay heritage centre visit.
I passed my house along the way!
Sorry, that's digressing.
Pretty fun and everything, I guess. Although during five stones the stones kept dropping out so I couldn't play properly.
But Silat was very funny, and we were all going "hahaha" (To those who were there, no pun intended).
You see, there was this chap that was drilling us, i.e. shouting commands and in one we were supposed to go "ha!" everytime we brought our hands down.
Now, we weren't very enthusiastic and just went "ha..." in a very soft tone whenever he asked us to do it.
And when the girl on the stage demonstrated, we all went "huh?" (Which, in case you don't get it, sounds a lot like "ha!")
And we went "ha, ha, ha" when he shook his head and muttered something about us being the "haha" class.
Ok, all very confusing, I know.
But that's not the point, really.
THe point is that they only let us off at 13 30 when they told us on the timetable we would be realeased at 12 30.
And after that I had to stay for some stupid survey which took up ten more minutes.
And we didn't have recess, just some break with bee hoon and very, very sugary donuts, and I only ate half a donut and half the bee hoon, although I did eat the whole squishy jelly thingy.
So I was pretty hungry after that.
But at least I got to eat KFC after that.

~Today in History~
1944: Soviet Union invades Czechoslovakia.

~Quote of the Day~

"This morning the British Ambassador in Berlin handed the German Government a final note, stating that, unless we heard from them by 11 o'clock that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland, a state of war would exist between us. I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received and that consequently this country is at war with Germany."

-Neville Chamberlain, eating his infamous "Peace in our Time" speech almost a year ago.

>>Forgotten by19:45

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yesterday we had a day of reflections. When I saw that on the enrichment week's timetable, I thought that it'd just be us sitting in the Multi Purpose Room 1 the whole day writing our reflections for the entire year.
In a way, I wasn't wrong.
We did sit in the MPR1 for the entire day, but it wasn't writing reflections. Hell, it didn't involve any writing at all. They brought in this team that did school missions and whatchamacallit stuff, and they talked about love and friendship, and they shared two sappy love stories, including the one involving one of our teachers, and told ghost stories, and played Abba music which we were all expected to sing and dance to.
I gotta say, they really like Abba, don't they?
Pity they didn't play Waterloo, though.
But that's getting off track.
Reminds me of the good old days where I used to digress so often...
but I'm digressing again.
So, back to the subject. Anyway, they got the teachers to go up on stage and we had to go and thank them for what they had done, and they got a pretty enthusiastic response (although I didn't see a lot of people clustering around Lemon). Then the teachers came on and talked about how what they were doing was all for us and all that. Then it ended with another, non-Abba song, and we all went home.

And then came today.
We went to the Chinese Heritage Centre and almost fell asleep. The irony of it all is that for our school newsletter thingum me and Gen have got to write an article about this. But photos weren't allowed, and there was no guide, so I'm at a loss of what to write about.
But the Creative Thinking thing was fun. The chap was absolutely hilarious, a laughing stock in a good way. He showed us plenty of creative stuff and brilliant pictures of hallowe'en watermelons and suicidal oranges.
I've got a feeling that the theme for enrichment week this year is "Be a loony!" 'cause everyone we've had so far has proved themselves to be loonies, albeit in different ways.

~Today in History~
1945: The former premier of Vichy France, Pierre Laval, is shot by a firing squad for treason.

~Quote of the Day~
We are out to win the war in the quickest and most economical way.
-Gen. George C. Marshall...I don't think they really accomplished that, did they?

>>Forgotten by23:50

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Friday, October 10, 2008

You know, yesterday we had a games carnival.
It was anything BUT fun.
First - we won everything BUT the last four games of Captain's Ball. Which is only one game. At least we won 7-1, though.
Next - Boy, was it hot. Everyone was sunburned. Still hurts.
Third - the stupid school people thought that stupid school ends at bloody two o clock, when it stated on the damn letter that it ends at one. So they kept us back, back, back, back, back until one thirty five before ending the games carnival. But, wait for it, suddenly a stupid CIP briefing comes out of nowhere and we have to proceed to the hall, where they say the briefing will be "short and sweet". Ok, fine. But of course, knowing them it's anything but short and sweet and we're detained for another hour. And still the teachers don't know we're one and a half hours late. And when Mrs Goh says "apologies to your parents, we're a couple of minutes late" she's drowned out by protests. A couple of minutes? More like one and a half bloody hours!
And when she hears that she goes, "Your parents are gonna murder us." Damn right they are. And if they don't we'll murder them first.

QUIZ from Gen

1) What is your name ?
Is this a trick question?

2)Do you have a crush on anyone ?
Yeah…sure. And currently Adolf Hitler’s taking over the world with fluffy bunnies.

3)Does anyone have a crush on you ?
Logically thinking, if the person has a crush on you he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, ESPECIALLY not you. So how would you know something like that?

4)Are you feeling bored ?
Oh, no! Not when I’ve got this LOVELY quiz to do! [Gaak.]

5)How about now ?
Oh, how smart you are! Just one question you were asking whether we were bored, and now you’re asking whether we’re bored?! WHAT DO YOU THINK?!

6)Describe the person you have a crush on
His name is “N.O.Thing”, his face is inexistent, and so is the rest of his body.

7)Describe the person who have a crush on you
HA! Bad English again! Describe the person who has a crush on you. Refer to the answer of question 3.

8)What is your favourite song ?
Theme song of Band of Brothers.

9)What is your favourite subject ?
Well, it used to be English, but I gotta say with Mr Tan teaching it becomes MATHS.

Name 10 People you can think of right now , including the person who tag you
1. FDR
2. Winston Churchill
3. George Patton
4. Richard Winters
5. Bernard Law Montgomery
6. Douglas MacArthur
7. Arthur Percival
8. Genevieve
9. Adolf Hitler
10. Anthony McAuliffe

[By the way, this should be “the person who tagged you”, not “tag you”.]

10) Is no. 5 a male / female . ( Bernard Law Montgomery)
Female…but so is Adolf Hitler.

11) Do you like no. 6 ? ( Douglas MacArthur )
Well, sure I do. Put aside the facts that he’s a incompetent, lousy, lazy, stupid, egoistic, ignorant, clumsy idiot and I do, very much.
12) What is the hobby of no.2 ? ( Winston Churchill )
Giving speeches, rallying nations, switching parties, smoking cigars, doing that famous V shaped hand sign, wearing bowler hats, being heroic.

13) Is no.9 smart ? ( Adolf Hitler )
If he was, the Allies would have lost the battle and Nazis would have taken over the world.

14) Will you woo no.10 ? ( Anthony McAuliffe )
First. How do you woo a guy who’s been dead 33 years? Second, NO WAY.

15) When is no.3's birthday ? ( George Patton )
November 11, 1885…coincidentally my mom was born 80 years later, and WWI ended 33 years later. Notice a familiar number over here?

16) What will you do if you did not meet no.1 ? ( FDR )
Seeing as I’ve never met him in the first place…nothing.

17) What will happen if no.5 falls in love with you ? ( Bernard Law Montgomery )
Well, firstly I wouldn’t want a corpse falling in love with me, secondly I wouldn’t want a corpse who sent 8000 British Paratroopers to their deaths in Operation Market Garden to fall in love with me, thirdly I wouldn’t want a meticulous, immaculate, NEAT corpse falling in love with me. So maybe I’ll kill myself.

18) How about no. 1 (FDR) ?
Wonder what it would be like as First Lady of the United States of America…anyway, Highly impossible. Unless someone invents a time machine. But even then it’s still impossible. Refer to the first point of Question seventeen for more details.

19) How are you feeling now ?
What do you think?

Tag 5 person to do this quiz
It should be “people”.
And for this, refer to the first five people on the list that I just made before this. [That’s why I didn’t put you as the first person, Gen]

QUIZ by Pearl
Name five things people don't know about you.

1. I've no idea when Winston Churchill was born.
Can I skip the next four? I'm too shallow a character. Everyone knows everything about me.

~Today in History~
1942: Battle of Cape Esperance

~Quote of the Day~
I don't drink, I do not smoke, I sleep a great deal. That is why I am in one-hundred percent form.
-Montgomery to Churchill, showing what a fat liar he is. And witty Churchill replies, "I drink a great deal, I sleep little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred percent form."

>>Forgotten by23:13

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yes, it's happened, and it's very possible.
You see, I've got this 'friend', (Can't say the person's name or the police might go and arrest the person) that moved to India.
And one day the person asked the person's grandmother whether the person could drive an old Subaru (I think) with a clutch gear and all that.
And she said yes.
And so the person with two cousins and a sister oohing and aahing in the back seat drove the car around the grandmother's school's field.
Sounds impossible?
Well, the person did accomplish it. Later said it was great while it lasted.

Anyway, enough about teens driving cars. More pressing matters. EOYS ARE OVER! AND WE GOT OUR RESULTS BACK!
And with all results, there are the good, the bad, and the ugly.

GOOD: CHINESE! I pulled my socks up and got an overall B4. Nintendo Wii, here I come.
ENGLISH! I topped the class for both Term four and Overall! Which is good news.
MATHS! I maintained my all A1 record for the whole year, one that I was not able to accomplish with any other subject.
D&T! I got my DnT up from my lousy A2 to an A1.

BAD: history. I got an A1, but I don't think it was a very good A1.
geography. I got a goddamn A2.
art: guess it was expected, but it's gonna pull down my average with a lousy b4.
science: A2. Need I say more?

UGLY (undecided): Literature. On one hand, I got a lousy A2. On the other hand, I'm 3rd in class.

So there you have it; my lousy overall results. Which is bad. Looks like I'm not gonna get into stretch class next year.

>>Forgotten by01:07

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Friday, October 3, 2008

Yesterday I had the last of my exams.
Contrary to what you think, though, it wasn't chinese.
More or Drama.
You see, in the morning we had Chinese, which was surprisingly, amazingly, relatively okay. I should be able to pass.
Then after maths (which is starting to get a bit boring 'cause I'm outta ideas) we had drama, and I was fretting 'cause our group had no idea what we were going to do.
At least we sorta improvised, though the combat scene was an absolute nightmare.
The other groups' presentations were so much better, although I guess for some impromptu stuff it wasn't too bad.
And then I'm going to die on Monday, 'cause I didn't do my vocab book. Hell, it's been months since my last entry. I didn't even bring it home. So I'm dead.
And my story still exceeds word limit. 402 GODDAMN WORDS! It's just 2 WORDS more...is that acceptable? I hope so, 'cause I can't be bothered to cut down anymore.
And yesterday I watched Ghostbusters. Which was quite funny, actually, considering the CGI twenty years ago was so amateurish that it was so laughable. And some of the lines were brilliant. Like when the giant "stay puft" marshmallow man walks down the street destroying everything in its path, Peter whatsisname delivers his line with a great deadpan, "There's something you don't see everyday."
The Marshmallow man looked like one of those tire brand's mascots. I think its michelin tyres. But that's out of point.
So, I've got to go and find a way to cut down on those two words now. Or else sushilla will kill me. As if I'm not dead enough already.

~Today in History~
1943: U.S. capture the Solomon Islands over in the Pacific.

~Quote of the Day~
"I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma: but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest."
Winston Churchill, talking in his usual weird ways.

>>Forgotten by18:39

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Wednesday, October 1, 2008

TOP 10 Favourite Songs Right Now:
1. Band of Brothers
2. Requiem of a Soldier
3. The theme from “A Bridge too Far”
4. Music of the Night
5. Some weird song playing in my head right now
6. The theme of “The Longest Day”
7. Phantom of the Opera
8. The song called “Nothing”
9. The song called “Nothing 2”
10. The sequel to “Nothing 2” and “Nothing”, namely “Nothing 3”

1. Closest Friends in your current school [Gals]:

Current school? Do I have to answer this question? My nickname isn’t for nothing, y’know.

Closest Friends in your current school [Guys]:

Ahem. It is a GIRL’S SCHOOL, so unless you think there’re some boys in girls’ clothes, I declare this question null and void.

People you miss from your Primary School:

Most of the people of 6K and 6L, Skatezone in particular.

TOP 10 Hobbies:

writing stories
Writing poems
Writing war stories
Writing war poems
Reading war books
Playing war games
Watching war movies
Reading more war books
Researching on war

TOP 10 Persons/Objects/Animals/Things you have pretended to be:

I have pretended to be nothing save me, myself, so I don’t really see the point of this question. I mean seriously, my acting skills are either too top notch or too suckish, so I’ve never acted in my life before. Except as a soldier, maybe. Or a paratrooper.

TOP 10 Career choices:Something really fantastic so that I don’t have to do anything but still get paid millions of dollars. Something like being the Queen of England. Yes, they pay her for being the Queen. Isn’t that fun?

Get into one of the stretch classes next year
Get a scholarship to Harvard (Yes, I know I’m too young to go in, but once they discover my exceptional talent for a person my age, they’ll immediately waive the age qualifications. Right?)
Top the class for English, Literature, Maths, Science, Geography and History.
Buy all the books in the world
Build a time machine
Get some authentic WWII memorabilia (For example, Eisenhower’s order of the day on the fifth of June)
Get an unlimited number of wishes that will definitely come true (although this one probably won’t come true anyway)
Get an awesome, photographic memory so that my first four wishes will come true
Get this quiz over and done with because this quiz's questions are so un-funny and so gramatically correct that I can't a) give funny answers or b) correct its gramatical errors.

NOW to passing the tag. Only 5 people can be tagged.I tag:

1. Adolf Hitler
2. Winston L. S. Churchill
3. Franklin D. Roosevelt
4. George S. Patton
5. Dwight D. Eisenhower

So, anyway. I hated that quiz. It was the most un-funniest, most gramatically correct quiz I've ever done before. Dang it, Pheo. Next time give me one of the funnier ones like Gen's.

Anyway. What's a kid gotta do to have a nice holiday? Today I woke up with a temp. of 38C (sorry but I've no idea how to put the degree sign in, unless I doctor a chinese full stop) and a blasted cold. I've used up god knows how many pieces of tissue and cut down god knows how many trees. It's only by a miracle my mom actually allowed me to use the com. And even then it's for half the time we usually use it.

Jeez. Talk about a bad children's day.

~Today in History~

1943: Allies take over Naples.

~Quote of the day~

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.

-George Patton...was he talking about Monty's descision to make a meticulous plan to take back Caen instead of attack directly? We'll never know.

>>Forgotten by02:13

Random Profile.

The Lone Ranger

02 12 1995
Right. Let's see. I like WWII, Band of Brothers, and anything to do with either of them. And Writing.

Random presents.

-Any WWII Book (that I don't already have)
-The movie Paper Moon
-The Band of Brothers soundtrack
-One hundred dollars

Random dreams.

-Top Singapore for O Levels/A Levels
-Get into VJC
-Get a story published
-Visit all the places I want to visit before I die
-Make a million dollars in five years
-Amass a huge quantity of WWII relics
-Get as many books as possible
-Watch all WWII movies

Random Quotes.

-No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
-Two kinds of people are staying on this beach, the dead and those who are gonna die. Now lets get the hell outta here.
-Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”
-We are not retreating -- we are advancing in another direction.
-You can't say civilization isn't advancing; in every war they kill you in a new way.
-War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
-Show me a man who will jump out of an airplane, and I'll show you a man who'll fight.
-Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.
-If you are going through hell...keep going.
-Better to fight for something than live for nothing.
-In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine.
-Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are in finishing it.

Random Map.

Random Top Tens.

Top ten movies:
-Band of Brothers
-Saving Private Ryan
-A Bridge Too Far
-The Longest Day
-Saints and Soldiers
-The Great Escape
-Flags of our Fathers
-Kelly's Heroes
-The Battle of the Bulge
Top ten Books:
-Band of Brothers
-Citizen Soldiers
-Beyond Band of Brothers
-Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends
-A Bridge Too Far
-The Longest Day
-The Longest Winter
-Flags of Our Fathers
-Letters from Iwo Jima

Random people.

Eugene Lim
Kai Yin
Jing Yi(rather dead)
Melody Seet
Rachel cough-pervert-cough Tan
Amelia (Sec 1D 09)
One Charity 08
Two Faith 09
Solo Magazine
My Stories
The Infocomm blog
The truth about lies (story)
Smile (story)

Random Archives.

December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
February 2010
May 2010

Random Credits.


It's a (ahem) free country.

Random Music.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com