Yesterday, me and what was left of Skatezone went to watch...
you guessed it. The Dark Knight.
So, anyway. I don't suppose you want to know what the movie was like...
let's just say it was good. And the joker rocked.
I guess you guys who watched the movie with me would want to know what was with all that adress switching thing. Well, Prepare yourself for a long explanation that a person of your intellectual stature should not expect to understand.
The Joker said that Harvey was at 52, 250 Street while Rachel was at X Street [or summat like that]. But he had already analyzed Batman’s character. He knew that Batman, being Superfast, was sure to go after Rachel and save her in time, while the police, being the slow un-batmans they were, would go after Harvey and probably not get there on time. Therefore, the Joker deliberately switched their addresses, so that Batman would rescue Harvey but the police wouldn’t get to Rachel before she got blown up.
That is essentially what happened, and therefore the Joker managed to turn Harvey, using the polices’ inability to have saved Rachel on time, into a villain [Two-Face] and prove that even the seemingly most perfect people could still turn into bad guys.
This idea is further justified by the fact that when Harvey called Gordon to tell him that his family had been captured, he said that they were where Harvey’s family [Rachel] died…52, 250 Street.
Subtle enough for ya? Anyway. This post's just a load of bosh. Oh, and I'm super hyper today. So don't take any notice of me if I continously ramble. Plus my internet's going heywire. Must be the fact that theres something wrong with my IP address. Anyone know how to fix it?
~Quote of the Day~
Old Soldiers never die; they just fade away.
-Douglas McArthur, the pompous, useless yet revered old brat. No offence to all Douglas McArthur fans.