Write to live, live to write.

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Thursday, May 29, 2008

Guess what, everyone?


This time, its FREE. Not half priced like Indiana Jones was.


2 Movies in 2 weeks!

I rock, as Arunima would say.

Same place too. Suntec City.

Same theatre too.

Same time too.

Same day too.

Same row too.

It's like deja vu!

I bet there'll even be a trailer for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull before the movie.


That's all for now, peeps. I've got 24 pages of assorted holiday homework to tuck in to.

~Quote of the Day~

This is a Random Quote by George Patton: "My men can eat their belts, but my tanks gotta have gas!"

>>Forgotten by21:33

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Sunday, May 25, 2008

That's right people.

Yesterday night me and my family got half-priced tickets to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Well, I guess it wasn't a bad movie. Plenty of fast paced action, fighting scenes, and the wisecracks were funny.

I liked how they managed to connect everything well, from the very first part [I guess the object was an alien] to the UFO part.

Although some parts were pretty easy to guess what was happening next, or easy to decipher the code [boy, some of the characters are just so stupid!] the famous red line made its appearance again!

As in the one that shows where they travelled, y'know, across the map or whatever.


That stupid rotten lemon. He scolded Joy, calling her the most incompetent monitress he's ever had. And when we finally calmed her down [she was crying] she told me "can you come out with me for a moment?"And the moment we were outside the classroom she burst out crying again.

well, me and Olivia and MJ walked her around and tried to tell her to calm down. She was so sad because Rotten Lemon was one of the track teachers, and now they probably wouldn't let her go for the nationals. And the reason why she was so dedicated to track was just so that she could go to nationals. It was a dream, a passion, to go there, just to participate. And now that Rotten Lemon has crushed it for her.

Stupid Rotten Lemon.

Just a quote of the day to spur Joy on. Don't give up fighting whatever you do.

~Quote of the Day~

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”


>>Forgotten by04:47

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Well, I guess the wedding was quite OK. Although I was stuffed into a shirt, tie and pants, it wasn't too bad. Heck, it wasn't bad at all. As long as I don't wear a dress it's fine.
That reminds me, my friend insulted me. She said "Why can't you be normal and wear a dress?" I had to remind her that I was way more normal than her usual bimbotic self. And believe me, she can be very bimbotic when she wants too. I also reminded her that I had ten times the brains she had. Which is reasonably true...I think.
The food sucked, but what can you do about it? However, the venue rocked. See, my cousin's a policeman. She passed up on the 7th of May [when the German army surrendered in 1945, I may add] and rented SPOM [Senior Police Officers Mess] for the wedding. I tell you, its any history buff [me included]'s heaven. It's got antique cannons, swords, muskets, blunderbusses, you name it. It's a lovely place, and if they ever got tired of it they could make a museum outta it.
My cousin's dress, my parents commented, was absolutely fitting for the place. A very colonial dress. Very Englishy. Very nice. Her groom was wearing a black striped double brested [I think] suit and looked very posh.
Anyway, me and J had a lot of fun, I guess. 'Specially at the end where we concocted "Poison". J started it by adding rose petals to his glass of water. I contributed the most. I added sugar, wine, milk, prawn, fish, tissue, hair, cookie, yam, crumbs, chili, papaya, mango, pineapple, and lots of other stuff I forgot. Oh yeah, a ribbon. And we put a pineapple slice at the top, y'know, like a cocktail. We planned to offer it to the newlyweds for a joke but my dad talked us outta it. He said it was dangerous - they might have sportingly drunk it.

On a darker note, today Gen went emo. As in seriously psycho. I think it's a split personality thing.
We were doin' our dong nan ya wen hua zhan hai bao for SEA Culture project, when gen suddenly stood up and started hitting the wall and crying. They tried to restrain her but she was sobbing in chinese that she had to beat. When she calmed down they relaxed - only for her to start again. Finally they succeeded to drag her into a corner where she sat in the typical crying-girl position - legs drawn up, head buried with hands covering and cried her heart out. She sobbed that Haine was back , that she had worked so long to seal her in but she was back and she didn't want her to come out. And here Eme made a very lovely, typical American-heroicsm fight-to-the-death kinda little speech:
Then she won't. She's in you, it's your body, you can control it. And we're all here for you.
It may be a bit short, but it's really nice, is it not?
Well, I don't know what she did after that cos I was chased out for declaring it was a psychology problem, but later I heard she stopped crying after a while and started laughing immediately. Definitely schizophrenia if you ask me.
I guess it was a bit scary. My mom's suggested to take her to a psychaitrist. Only time will tell if she's alright.

[this time it's to tie in with the speech Eme made]
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

--Winston Churchill, 1940

>>Forgotten by02:14

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Sunday, May 18, 2008

We had a party on Saturday to send Tharun off. It was supposed to be a surprise party.

Unfortunately, he found out.

So it wasn't a surprise after all.

And we got badges made...with an "SZ" on them standing for Skatezone...

only Aru made a mistake and he S was the wrong way.

Not what you'd call a perfect party.

We also tried to dedicate a song on the radio but the line was busy and I don't think the SMS got through.


And todays the day!

My cousin's getting married to the New Yorker I was telling you guys about!

And I'm official photographer or some rot like that.


>>Forgotten by23:43

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Monday, May 12, 2008

On Saturday we had a great baseball party, people.
Coincedentally, it was also the day [in 1940, of course, not the actual date] that Winston Churchill was elected Prime minister.
Well, I've gotta to say a lot of you guys've changed.
Let us take a few cases into consideration. WILL YOU GO AWAY JASON! I AM TRYING TO BLOG IN PEACE HERE!
Sorry. Slight interruption by my brother there.
For example, Rav's grown more mature. Aru's more full of herself [lol, no offence Aru] and in love with softball. JH's taller and more sore-loserish. And Eugene...
He's the total opposite of what he was in primary school.



Let's just say it was a lovely, crazy, wild and wacky baseball party.

Hey, that rhymes.

Ah well.

And my arm hurts.

From all that stupid pitching.

>>Forgotten by01:23

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Friday, May 9, 2008

This is the song I wrote about my phone [please see post below].

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today,
For the dear departed, to send it on its way.
For the poor, poor handpone has gone and popped it's clogs,
and we shall bestow upon him many hugs and snogs.

For today, my handphone is gone,
So I have the right to mourn,
for my phone.

As we prepare all the traditional last rites,
please feel free to stop by and say your "good nights".
For it will be the last time you ever see him,
Because he's gone missing, stolen on a whim.

For today my handphone is gone,
So I have the right to mourn,
For my phone.

The search still goes on as frantically as can be,
while others cry their hearts out heavily,
for everyone just adored my dear old phone,
he was so special, its hard to believe we're alone.

For today my handphone is gone,
So I have the right to mourn,
For my phone.

The sound of prayers wake me from my reverie,
Recountin the old days, when we had fun, you see.
And as I kneel by his effigy one last time,
I vow to track down those that committed this crime.

For today my handphone is gone,
So I have the right to mourn,
For my phone.

I feel too sad to speak as he's being buried,
We shall kill the culprits, everyone agreed.
So we set off with murder still fresh in our mind,
Till now, no sign, we are just too blind.

For today my handphone is gone,
So I have the right to mourn,
For my phone.

Though my exams are just round the corner,
because of him my mind isn't straight and clear.
We've been through lots together, thick and thin,
and now he's dead although I barely scraped my skin.

For today my handphone is gone,
So I have the right to mourn,
For my phone.

For today my handphone is gone,
So I have the right to mourn,
For my phone.

Goodbye, my phone.

>>Forgotten by01:21


Now, as you guys all know, yesterday was VE DAY!

What d'you mean what's VE day?

Victory in Europe day, of course!

[If you ask what's Victory in Europe, I'm afraid I can't help you anymore.]

I was so excited about it that my classmate told me to get VE day t-shirts.

But sadly, today, the 9th of may, one day after VE day, many [bad] things happened.

1. I had a Literature Test.

2. I had a Drama Test.

3. I had a Geography Test.



Let us fast forward to the last one.

Well. I was taking off my pinafore and my phone was in my pocket. And when I came back from Drama and Mass PE [we were doing skipping, I had a good time showing off] I found my phone was gone.

What struck me was how symphetatic and friendly the class was when they were trying to help. Some were frantically searching around, some were calling my phone, some were fretting over how upset I'd be. Nice class.

Good news, though. I found my phone. I spent 30 minutes of my Geog test writing a song about my phone though. Oops.

>>Forgotten by00:48

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I GOT 3As and 2Ds for my 5 stations!!

The first time I've ever gotten no Es for my five stations! [yeah, I know, horrible english.]

But no silver though.


I rewrote the song "Wake me up when September ends". Here goes.
The teacher is a creep,
We’re all going to fall asleep,
Wake me up, when the lesson ends

Teacher screams and teacher drones,
Shrill enough to crack your bones
Wake me up when the lesson ends

We’re so bored we’re so dead,
Pounding in my head,
Doodling some rubbish,
Or making a lame wish.

As the lame teacher leaves,
The whole class just wakes up and seethes
Wake me up when the lesson ends

‘Nother teacher comes in
Class goes back to sleep and grin,
Wake me up, when the lesson ends

We are over the moon
Snoring sounds fill the classroom,
Wake me up when the lesson ends

We’re so bored we’re so dead,
Pounding in my head,
Doodling some rubbish,
Or making a lame wish.

Yes, one more lesson down,
Comes the next one draped in a gown
Wake me up when the lesson ends

The teachers are all creeps,
We’re all going to fall asleep
Wake me up when the lesson ends

Teacher screams and teacher drones
Shrill enough to crack your bones
Wake me up when the lesson ends
Wake me up when the lesson ends
Wake me up when the lesson ends


>>Forgotten by03:37

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Monday, May 5, 2008

I went to T3 again this saturday.

And well, I was staring at the floor plan for Level 2 or something, and my dad said, "Oh look, Ken's Plastic Paper Udders!"

I was shocked. Ken has plastic paper udders?!

Whirling around, I only saw a bin saying "Cans, Plastic, Paper, Others." Turning to my dad, I asked, "Where's Ken's plastic paper udders?"

He laughed and said, "Cans, Plastic, Paper, Others, dummy."

Today Teh O pissed me off. I already drew my orthographic so nicely and now he wants us to REDrAW IT! is he friggin kidding me?!

Bloody idiot. He seemed pretty pissed off on the phone and agitated when he was talking to that person.

I wonder who it was?
I'd like to send them flowers.

>>Forgotten by02:22

Random Profile.

The Lone Ranger

02 12 1995
Right. Let's see. I like WWII, Band of Brothers, and anything to do with either of them. And Writing.

Random presents.

-Any WWII Book (that I don't already have)
-The movie Paper Moon
-The Band of Brothers soundtrack
-One hundred dollars

Random dreams.

-Top Singapore for O Levels/A Levels
-Get into VJC
-Get a story published
-Visit all the places I want to visit before I die
-Make a million dollars in five years
-Amass a huge quantity of WWII relics
-Get as many books as possible
-Watch all WWII movies

Random Quotes.

-No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
-Two kinds of people are staying on this beach, the dead and those who are gonna die. Now lets get the hell outta here.
-Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”
-We are not retreating -- we are advancing in another direction.
-You can't say civilization isn't advancing; in every war they kill you in a new way.
-War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
-Show me a man who will jump out of an airplane, and I'll show you a man who'll fight.
-Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.
-If you are going through hell...keep going.
-Better to fight for something than live for nothing.
-In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine.
-Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are in finishing it.

Random Map.

Random Top Tens.

Top ten movies:
-Band of Brothers
-Saving Private Ryan
-A Bridge Too Far
-The Longest Day
-Saints and Soldiers
-The Great Escape
-Flags of our Fathers
-Kelly's Heroes
-The Battle of the Bulge
Top ten Books:
-Band of Brothers
-Citizen Soldiers
-Beyond Band of Brothers
-Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends
-A Bridge Too Far
-The Longest Day
-The Longest Winter
-Flags of Our Fathers
-Letters from Iwo Jima

Random people.

Eugene Lim
Kai Yin
Jing Yi(rather dead)
Melody Seet
Rachel cough-pervert-cough Tan
Amelia (Sec 1D 09)
One Charity 08
Two Faith 09
Solo Magazine
My Stories
The Infocomm blog
The truth about lies (story)
Smile (story)

Random Archives.

December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
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February 2009
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April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
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August 2009
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Random Credits.


It's a (ahem) free country.

Random Music.

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