That's right people.
Yesterday night me and my family got half-priced tickets to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Well, I guess it wasn't a bad movie. Plenty of fast paced action, fighting scenes, and the wisecracks were funny.
I liked how they managed to connect everything well, from the very first part [I guess the object was an alien] to the UFO part.
Although some parts were pretty easy to guess what was happening next, or easy to decipher the code [boy, some of the characters are just so stupid!] the famous red line made its appearance again!
As in the one that shows where they travelled, y'know, across the map or whatever.
That stupid rotten lemon. He scolded Joy, calling her the most incompetent monitress he's ever had. And when we finally calmed her down [she was crying] she told me "can you come out with me for a moment?"And the moment we were outside the classroom she burst out crying again.
well, me and Olivia and MJ walked her around and tried to tell her to calm down. She was so sad because Rotten Lemon was one of the track teachers, and now they probably wouldn't let her go for the nationals. And the reason why she was so dedicated to track was just so that she could go to nationals. It was a dream, a passion, to go there, just to participate. And now that Rotten Lemon has crushed it for her.
Stupid Rotten Lemon.
Just a quote of the day to spur Joy on. Don't give up fighting whatever you do.
~Quote of the Day~
Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”