Write to live, live to write.

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Monday, December 31, 2007

One of the worst ways to celebrate the new year is getting a soccer ball launched at your head.
There's only one thing worst than that.
Getting hit by it.
And that's exactly what happened to me.
My glasses fell off and I couldn't feel my ear for the next few minutes.
It was at a street soccer party.
And it was because of my friend's brother's friend's brother.
Dang, I hate 'im.
Anyway, happy new year to everyone in the world, bla bla bla, hope you have a nice year, coz I won't.
I am sooo doomed.

>>Forgotten by23:24

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Sunday, December 30, 2007

Its kinda strange, though.
We were all expecting Bhutto to get assas...assi...assassina...asissnated [Not again] but it still came as a total shocker.
I think its the way the mind works.
You know its gonna happen, its inevitable, and you brace yourself for the impact, but when it actually, finally comes you're stunned.
We have a lesson to learn from this assinatio...assassiss...asassiwhatever[Ah well, what the heck]:
Don't ever, ever, ever enter Pakistan politics.

>>Forgotten by23:55

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Thursday, December 27, 2007

[Former] Prime minister Benazir Bhutto has been asassinated!
Operation Market-Garden. Water-Tight Hatch. Operation Market-Garden. Water-Tight Hatch.
It comes as a complete shock. The whole nation [Pakistan, in case you idiots don't know about it] is in shock.
Personally, no offence to Musharraf supporters, but I think he did it. He probably didn't want any opposition.
Note that this is an opinion-he might not have done it, it could be Al-Whatsisname. So no offence. Don't lock me up.
BUt its just that its come as a shock for everyone that she's [Yes, Bhutto is a she] dead. And the strange thing was that her very words was that she was prepared to die for her country.
-AP Reuters [I think its spelt like that]

>>Forgotten by22:05


1. My uncle's neice [which makes her my second cousin or something] is Ken's old classmate.
2. My aunt's colleauge's son is Aik Wee.
3. My brother's classmate is Samuel's brother.
4. My brother's classmate is Matthew Lee's brother.
It's a small world.

>>Forgotten by00:19

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Wednesday, December 26, 2007

On the twenty-third of December, we had a party. Ken's party.
On the twenty-fourth of December, we had a party. My party.
On the twenty-fifth of December, we had a party. My party.
On the twenty-sixth of December, we had a party. My party.

On the twenty-sixth of December we played Risk with Tharun. I won the whole of Europe, South America, and most of Africa. I had at the very least 63 armies on the board.
On the twenty-fifth of December we played Risk with Tharun. I won the whole of America.
On the twenty-fourth of December our cousins from BEIJING came over and we played counter strike, ate some log cakes [one of 'em, Sam, ate three pieces] and...thats about it.
On the twenty-third of December we ate a barbec, lit paper balls with sparklers, and played DUck Duck Goose. I should've said Duck Duck Poof.
And the worst thing is at all these parties i didn't get to step on ANYONE's Foot at all.

>>Forgotten by23:50

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Thursday, December 20, 2007

This was a dream long time ago, but its so strange I gotta tell you.Theres this pilot, Jackson. He’s the quiet type, and flies a black airplane. All the other pilots are envious of him. Whispers to themselves. This girl comes along and gives him a white thingy. Then he knows its gonna be his last mission ever. CUTSCENE to HPPS. The whole of 6KL are hiding behind tables waiting for a teacher [who looks suspiciously like my neighbour] to come. When she comes, she teaches a class then goes away for a while. We ransack her stuff and everything. There’s this yellow box which u pull out a metal strip and a card swiping mechanism comes out. We swiped her ID card. Nothing inside. When she comes back everythings normal but OOPS i forgot to replace the metal strip. Luckily she didn’t notice. When we leave we leave a few people to sabotage computers. Planes drop in paratroopers to help us. We stick yellow strips of paper on the CPUs. Everyone bails out. I go home and sleep. At about 0500hrs in the morning, I hear aeroplanes flying about. I go to my window; Jackson and his team are making bombing runs on HPPS. White lights are shining in the air, like searchlights when searching for an enemy plane.CUTSCENE to a car. Me and HF are sitting inside. I dunno what we’re talkin about, then suddenly I say, “Didja know theres a new COH; Opposing Fronts.” then she says, “Oh yeah, I got COH the Jumping General”. THen i ask her, “D’ya know who the Jumping General is?” Im confident she doesn’t know, and get ready for a long winded answer [by me, duh] but she says “Yeah” and I’m so shocked my jaw dropps [literally]. SHe turns behind and yells to Seth, who’s still at HPPS, “HeY Seth u got COH Jumping General?” He says “Yeah why?””Oh Darn, I can’t play it yet!”“MUHAHAHHAHA!”CUTSCENE to a ship that looks like a ferry. This girl walks past a room saying “Brigadier General Shield”. Thinks its interesting so goes in. Meanwhile Commandos are raiding a basement that has two rooms. THey are in the first room when some germans come in. THe lights off so they hide while teh Germans go to the second room. When the germans come back the lights on and all commandos are hiding xcept 4 the commander, who hid his face behind a clipboard. The germans stare before going out, then bring in a team and wipe out all the commandos except one.CUTSCENE back to the girl. She is met on the ship by Basher [Oceans 11,12,13] dressed in a ship captains uniform. He says, “D’you wanna go up or down or the other way round?” She says, “Up.” He nodds and continues on his way. She takes the stairs down. As Basher passes three identical girls [identical to the first one, that is] he says, “Up” and they all go up.The girl is confronted by a stranger who wants her to play the piano. “No I need my maid,” she says. The stranger urges her to. She makes a brief prayer, says, “Go Regina” and starts to play. When she starts the Brigadier Generals Shield which is actually a ferris wheel starts moving. There’s a hole in the bottom of the platform that the wheel is on. When the people get there they fall in. The girl finally stops playing when the ferris wheel makes one turn. Two buckets come out from where the hole used to be; they are filled with green liquid that looks like Yogurt Drink from Marigold. There is a German Shepard in the middle of the ferris wheel, whimpering. He is trapped within a glass case. The girl takes a look at the buckets from a platform high above. She stares and stares and then gets sick [as in puke] coz the Green liquid is actually all the people that fell in that were mashed up. The dog also looks at the green stuff and then says in a mildly disgusted tone, “yuck”. “Ah well,” says Basher. “At least they think u died, i sent three others in your place.”Any idea what that was about? Please comment and tell me what you think.

>>Forgotten by03:34


September 28 was so damn scary.
We was drivin’ along, goin’ ‘ome frem them lights in Chinatown, when suddenly something like a gunshot rang out ‘n’ smashed th’ car window!!!! It jus’ bloody smashed th’ whole thin’ n’ it was like we got shot! Me gramma, who’wus sittin’ up frent, where th’ window smashed, covered her face ‘n’ started prayin’ like Road Runner. Me Dad pulled over immediately ‘n’ we examined th’ damage. Methinks it wus a rock’er summin. BUT IT WAS SO DAMN SCARY IT WUS LIKE WE WERE DEAD OR SUMMIN. I thought Omigawd they’re terrorists in Singapore!!!! An’ fer I couldn’t sleep very well.
The window was repaired. Yay. When me dad brought it in fer repairs, the technician came ter him ‘n’ asked, “How did it break, sir?” me dad told’im, ‘n’ he said, “So it must’ve been a rock then.” ‘N’ me dad told ‘im, “Yeah, or we’d find a bullet in the car.”

>>Forgotten by03:30


On the sixth of November, me, Arunima, Michelle, Tharun, Eugene Lim, Seth, Ken, Josiath, Naman and Zann went to promote HPPS at the P3 GEP parents briefing, where the P3s who got in will get briefed and see what the schools have to offer. We had to wear these horrid orange blazers but they got better in the end. We talked to quite a few parents, but my job [before the briefing] was to FIGHT…no, I mean HELP kiddies not to get bored by giving them brain teasers to do. But one of them was so tough it took us half an hour first. I beat the usual maths geniuses to solve it FIRST! AND I”M IN MATH REMEDIAL!!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Anyway, we really had a lot of fun. We started changing all our bluetooth names. I used Adolf Hitler, Mrs Chong, Chong d tyrant, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Napoleon Bonaparte, Atilla the hun, Rhianna, and much more. IT WAS SO FUN. Wish i could do everything again!

>>Forgotten by03:28


A poem I wrote. Don't blame me if its lame.

Look out Hitler, here we come,
We swear we’ll get you on the run.
We’ll see to Germany’s downfall,
On June six nineteen forty-four.

We’d die for our country, and for one another,
Friend and friend, brother and brother.
We’ll break through your Atlantic Wall,
On June six nineteen forty-four.

The largest seaborne invasion ever,
Happened during stormy weather,
A break occurred, the rain didn’t pour,
On June six nineteen forty-four.

The C-47s are filled with paratroopers,
The Higgins boats all crammed with soldiers.
They’ll come even if they’re hurt and sore,
On June six nineteen forty-four.

The planes soar into the dark night,
With divisions of men about to fight.
6000 ships will land on the French shore,
On June six nineteen forty-four.

Flak is whizzing past the planes,
Reminding the soldiers we aren’t playing games!
“Go Go Go!” Shouts jumpmaster at the door,
On June six nineteen forty-four.

The landing on Utah couldn’t be simpler,
There’re Click clacks of crickets, and bursts of gunfire.
“Flash!” “Thunder!” whispered all the more,
On June six nineteen forty-four.

Paratroopers gather in little groups,
Sainte-Mère-Église taken, well done, troops!
HQ’s set up, everything’s now a bore,
On June six nineteen forty-four.

Omaha beach: A different story,
This one is darn tough and bloody.Stuck behind tank traps, our guns roar,
On June six nineteen forty-four.

Germans shooting from the bunkers,
Beach is littered with dead soldiers.
The scene is one of blood and gore,
On June six nineteen forty-four.

Pointe-Du-Hoc is scaled by rangers,
We can get through, thanks, engineers.
More than 15000 men have come ashore,
On June six nineteen forty-four.

The Longest Day comes to a compromise,
A decisive victory for us, the Allies,
This battle was what helped us win the war,
The Battle of June six nineteen forty-four.

>>Forgotten by03:24


This is probably gonna bore you to death, but listen to this:
There’s this guy called Brig. Gen. James M. Gavin. He was the commander of the 82nd Airborne. He was born James N. Ryan. So?! You exclaim. Well, in the movie A Bridge Too Far, the guy who played him was Ryan O’Neal. Also, in Saving Private Ryan, Private Ryan’s full name is James Ryan. Not forgetting a soldier who invaded Omaha Beach - James O’Neal. Oh yes, I forgot – in the movie The Longest Day, the guy who plays Gavin is called Robert Ryan. And did I mention that the guy who wrote the books (that the movies were based on) The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far was called Cornelius Ryan?

>>Forgotten by03:18


Guess what? My cousins gave me Medal of Honor Airborne.
Its all in Chinese.
Ah well.
Ken's having a bbq christmas party. Elim will be there, hooray! More chances to step on his foot!
I hope Tharun and Deep and Rav will be there as well, coz I'll be dead bored if I don't have a Skatezone member to talk to.
Methinks its gonna be fun, but I dunno. I believe I thought KS's party was gonna be fun.
Did I tell you I was posted to St. Nicholas [CHIJ]?
And I can't learn French.
And Nowadays I don't have anything to do.
Ain't that great.

>>Forgotten by03:04

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tomorrow our couzins [in Stitch's lingo, "Cuzins!"] are coming over from Beijing. Yes, Beijing, the land of the 2008 Olympics. Yes, Beijing, the capital of Worlds Deadliest Maker of Things. Yes, Beijing, the city of Fog. Yes, Beijing, MADE IN CHINA.

>>Forgotten by00:39


Today is the sixty-third anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge [aka BotBotB]. And My MSN Started Working Again! YEssss!

On thursday there was KS's party. He's such a bad organizer, he invited the whole class [mostly] and guess how many turned up?

We ended up going to Downtown East and playing 1-and-a-half hours worth of Counter Strike, then piggin' out at MacDonalds, then having a barbec, of which I ate 3 satay sticks and half a packet of fish crackers.

Josiah was planning on staying overnight, but after seeing the dismal quaters of the supposed "chalet" he phoned his mom and told her to pick him up at nine.
YX was also gonna stay, and everyone wished him "Good Luck", "Be careful-keep your eyes open", and all that stuff.

I hope yx is still alive right now. Havent seen him since that day.

>>Forgotten by00:20

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Monday, December 10, 2007

TOday is the 66th anniversary of one of the most stupid descisions of WORLD WAR TWO: Germany and Italy [Hitler and Mussolini] declare war on USA. Now if they hadn't, USA would have focused on Japan and won, while A. Hitler [if you mix the letters up you get 'The Liar'] and B. Mussolini [I don't even wanna try mixing the letters up] would've won Europe and start its conquest on USA, and would've won too, coz they would've been weakened by Japan, that is, if Japan hadn't won in the first place.
Know what I mean?
Don't suppose you do.

>>Forgotten by20:00

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Sunday, December 9, 2007

As everyone knows by know, practically, virtually, almost the whole class got into their schools via DSA.
Unfortunately, I was the minority.
So I applied for 1. RGS, 2. Nanyang, 3. SCGS, 4. MGS, 5. ? and 6. Crescent.
And its nine days till the posting.
Hope I'll get into RGS; see, all my friends are there.
And my cousins are coming from Beijing on 17th.
And KS's party is on the 13th.
And michelle's supposed party is tomorrow.

>>Forgotten by23:00

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Friday, December 7, 2007

Yesterday was the...one of the greatest days in history! Yay! You don't know what happened?
Not that anyone cares.
Oh. Wait. I forgot.
I care.

Yesterday corp and corp's little sibling who is only one year younger whom I will call dolphindab came over. We played counter strike till everyone got a headache, then we went to play carum, then had dinner, then they left.
Tomorrow we're gonna play badminton with them. Hooray. Yay.
It doesn't help that most of my friends are gone now, though.

>>Forgotten by23:34

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I had a conversation with my friend today, to keep the person's privacy I shall call 'it' Corp.

Me: Can you give me Counter Strike?
Corp: Sure
Me: When? J [my bro] wants to play it.
Corp: Tomorrow? [corp is coming over tomorrow]
Me: Tomorrow? Oh yeah, you're coming.
Corp: haha! you forgot?
Me: kinda, I thought WTH badminton [we're gonna play badminton on sunday] is tomorrow!
Corp: Haha you getting amnesia?
Me:Oooooh, yes I must! Wow, you're so clever! Aaaaaaah! [sacarstic]
Corp: Oh yes I know, I'm a genius, there's no denying it.
Me: Yes, Elim [the great genius] is also going to S. Korea [where corp went for hols]
Me: Great minds think alike...
Me: But...
Corp: We are not amused.
Me: MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! On the contrary, we are very much amused!
Corp: You mean you are impressed, not we.
Me: Bla.
Corp: Back at you bla.
Me: Bla bla.
Corp: I'm stopping! This is sure waste of money! [we were SMSing]
Me: MUHAHAHA, not for me!
Corp: Dude I didn't accidentaly buy too many top up cards u know. HInt hint. [coz my top up cards kept expiring and i kept having to buy new ones, I currently have about $80.]
Me: yeah yeah...kerbla. Hardy har.

Funny, yes?

>>Forgotten by23:59


Happy birthday to the King of Thailand. Long Live The King. I'm Wearing a yellow T-Shirt.

>>Forgotten by01:09


And That's about it.

>>Forgotten by00:49


You can tell from the title this ain't gonna be pretty.
First three days we went to Bangkok.
I kinda like the city now, 'coz of "Bang[shoot the rifle]kok[cock the rifle]" [which is what I live for].
But the main thing you need to know about Bangkok is
And that's about it.
I bought two of my most wanted books, The Farthest Bridge and A Day Too Long.
And in case you're wondering, you gotta cross the two titles to get the real ones.
Yep, for the lazybums like some people I know, That's The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far.
Anyway, after that we went to Cha-am, the land of a thousand steps.
See, what we did was take a cable car up to King Rama IV [King Mongkut, reminds me of somethin' but I won't risk offendin' anyone] 's summer palace. The place was huge I tell ya.
And the worst thing was, my parents made us walk around the whole thing.
And there were so many ******* steps. There's about, I dunno, seven hundered?
After that we went to a cave with 170 Buddha images. Yep, one hundered and seventy. And the worst thing was we had to climb down what must've been three hundered steps to get to the cave. But the cave's staglatite [or staglamite, how the 'ell would I remember these things] formations were amazing. With a capatial A.
We also celebrated my b-day in Cha-am. We had ice cream. Not very exciting? You should've seen the ice cream. Towers upon towers of ice cream, chocolate, chocolate chip, cappuchino, strawberry, and after that lots of fudge, chocolate fudge of course, then a whole lotta whipped cream, and finally a big cherry jelly on top. And guess how much it was?
$2.50--[instead of ++]
And on the plane back home we watched the Bourne Ultimatum. And my dad's so scatterbrained he thought we had it [but of course we don't, we wait till its cheap, and as far as I know it still isn't] and then after the flight told us, "Well, that was nice, but I didn't remember the rooftop fighting scenes, we must go home and watch it!"

>>Forgotten by00:18

AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I really dunno what ter write about right now.
Me 'n' my class o' 07 have broken up 'coz, well, PSLE's over, we're all gonna go ter different schools. Just great. Its been a great three years, guys, never forget that.

>>Forgotten by23:58


G'afternoon t'ya'all, havin' a nice day, blah blah blah and all that rot. What's so good about it? Its a cold, dreary afternoon, rain rain rain and all that. Nothin' good about it at all. I'm feelin' really grumpy t'day, 'n' I've got the worst headache.

I s'pose ya'll wanna know all about me, me birthday 'n' all that. Well, I ain't liberal with this type've info, so I ain't gonna reveal nothin'.

Well, most of it, anyway.

Fer one thin', my idea o' fun is ta read WWII books, play WWII games, watch WWII movies [that are usually PG++], listen to WWII movie theme songs, download WWII videos, debate on WWII issues, convince others on the greatness of WWII, study WWII pictures, and dream about going to WWII historical sites like Omaha beach or New Orleans.

One thing that's great is Band of Brothers. Try watchin' it sometime. It rocks. S'about E Company from D-Day to Hitler's Eagles Nest. Don't blame me if ya dunno what the 'ell I'm talkin' about. Watch the movie. Or read the book.

So this is me first post fer the day, and it ain't gonna be the last.

At least, I reckon it ain't gonna be the last.

>>Forgotten by23:36

Random Profile.

The Lone Ranger

02 12 1995
Right. Let's see. I like WWII, Band of Brothers, and anything to do with either of them. And Writing.

Random presents.

-Any WWII Book (that I don't already have)
-The movie Paper Moon
-The Band of Brothers soundtrack
-One hundred dollars

Random dreams.

-Top Singapore for O Levels/A Levels
-Get into VJC
-Get a story published
-Visit all the places I want to visit before I die
-Make a million dollars in five years
-Amass a huge quantity of WWII relics
-Get as many books as possible
-Watch all WWII movies

Random Quotes.

-No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
-Two kinds of people are staying on this beach, the dead and those who are gonna die. Now lets get the hell outta here.
-Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”
-We are not retreating -- we are advancing in another direction.
-You can't say civilization isn't advancing; in every war they kill you in a new way.
-War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
-Show me a man who will jump out of an airplane, and I'll show you a man who'll fight.
-Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.
-If you are going through hell...keep going.
-Better to fight for something than live for nothing.
-In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine.
-Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are in finishing it.

Random Map.

Random Top Tens.

Top ten movies:
-Band of Brothers
-Saving Private Ryan
-A Bridge Too Far
-The Longest Day
-Saints and Soldiers
-The Great Escape
-Flags of our Fathers
-Kelly's Heroes
-The Battle of the Bulge
Top ten Books:
-Band of Brothers
-Citizen Soldiers
-Beyond Band of Brothers
-Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends
-A Bridge Too Far
-The Longest Day
-The Longest Winter
-Flags of Our Fathers
-Letters from Iwo Jima

Random people.

Eugene Lim
Kai Yin
Jing Yi(rather dead)
Melody Seet
Rachel cough-pervert-cough Tan
Amelia (Sec 1D 09)
One Charity 08
Two Faith 09
Solo Magazine
My Stories
The Infocomm blog
The truth about lies (story)
Smile (story)

Random Archives.

December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
February 2010
May 2010

Random Credits.


It's a (ahem) free country.

Random Music.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com