Write to live, live to write.
G'afternoon t'ya'all, havin' a nice day, blah blah blah and all that rot. What's so good about it? Its a cold, dreary afternoon, rain rain rain and all that. Nothin' good about it at all. I'm feelin' really grumpy t'day, 'n' I've got the worst headache.
I s'pose ya'll wanna know all about me, me birthday 'n' all that. Well, I ain't liberal with this type've info, so I ain't gonna reveal nothin'.
Well, most of it, anyway.
Fer one thin', my idea o' fun is ta read WWII books, play WWII games, watch WWII movies [that are usually PG++], listen to WWII movie theme songs, download WWII videos, debate on WWII issues, convince others on the greatness of WWII, study WWII pictures, and dream about going to WWII historical sites like Omaha beach or New Orleans.
One thing that's great is Band of Brothers. Try watchin' it sometime. It rocks. S'about E Company from D-Day to Hitler's Eagles Nest. Don't blame me if ya dunno what the 'ell I'm talkin' about. Watch the movie. Or read the book.
So this is me first post fer the day, and it ain't gonna be the last.
At least, I reckon it ain't gonna be the last.
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